Klingenwechsel SHAVENT, Anleitung

Changing the blade is that easy - replace the inexpensive standard blades in just a few movements

Are you wondering how to replace the cheap standard blades in the SHAVENT? It's very simple and we have prepared a video for you
Bold is Beautiful - the best tips for shaving your head with the SHAVENT Reading Changing the blade is that easy - replace the inexpensive standard blades in just a few movements 1 minute Next Sharp blades - the be-all and end-all for a gentle shave without skin irritation

Are you wondering how to replace the cheap standard blades in the SHAVENT?

Shavent Klingenwechsel
It's very easy to change the blades: take out the old blades, put the spacers aside, have new blades at hand and off you go: first blade, spacers, second blade, spacers, third blade, put on the head and knurled nut tighten gently.

So that you can follow it closely, we have prepared a video with instructions for you:
SHAVENT blade change: 
Changing blades is easy