Are you going against the grain again today? As long as this is about shaving, we can help you!😉 We'll show you what you need to consider when shaving against the grain to minimize skin irritation. What are the advantages of shaving against the grain? Shaving against the grain can produce a much smoother result as the cutting action is deeper. Since less hair shines through, the visual result is also more beautiful. The risk of skin irritation can also be reduced because less stubble is left behind, which traditionally leads to ingrown hairs. And what are the disadvantages? Shaving against the grain irritates the skin more and can therefore have unpleasant consequences. We also recommend always shaving with the grain first and waiting for the skin reaction and following our tips if you want to shave against the grain. What tips do you need to keep in mind when shaving against the grain? First of all you should direction of growth find out about your hair. Sounds banal, but it is extremely important and, above all, not the same for every person or every skin area. Hair often grows in different directions. Simply run your flat finger or a credit card over your hair and feel the resistance. The good preparation is everything as always. Wash your skin with warm water to open your pores and use plenty of shaving foam or oil. Give the products enough time to soften your hair well. It goes to our gentle and plastic-free care products here long✨. Now it's time to shave. With these tips, shaving against the grain is most comfortable: First, shave in the direction of growth to shorten your hair. Be careful as well, if possible without pressure to shave and work calmly with light, calm shaving strokes. This is how you achieve the smoothest result and avoid skin irritation. aftercare is just as good as prevention in this case. Then care for your skin with a good aftershave and a lotion to give it the moisture it needs.