Rasierpinsel: synthetische Borsten statt Dachshaar? Warum Imitat so überraschend gut ist

Shaving Brush: Synthetic Bristles Instead of Badger Hair? Why Imitation is Surprisingly Good

Shaving Brush: Why We Rely on Modern Synthetic Fibers – and You Should Too! Shaving brushes are a real game changer for a smooth, thorough shave. But when it comes to choosing the right brush, ther...
Rasierhobel: Der Klassiker für eine präzise, anspruchsvolle Rasur

Safety razor: The classic for a precise, demanding shave

The safety razor is the epitome of traditional men's shaving and represents a thorough, but not always easy, technique. Anyone who perfects the art of shaving with a safety razor can enjoy extremel...
Warum die Details in deinem stilvollen Badezimmer den Unterschied machen

Why the details make the difference in your stylish bathroom

A stylish bathroom thrives on the small details that complete the overall picture. In this article, you will learn why these nuances are crucial, how plastic razors can disrupt the aesthetic appear...
Rasierklingen Derby Professional, Derby Premium und Perma Sharp

The razor blade - manufacture and origin

Have you always wondered where the razor blade comes from and how it is made? You can find the answers in this blog post.
Vergleich Shavent

SHAVENT vs. drugstore razors - a detailed comparison with system razors such as Gillette, Wilkinson, BIC

The Razor of the major drugstore brands, the most well-known here is probably the Gillette Mach 3, are popular system razors that are known for their flexible head and multiple blades for an easy a...
Die beste Anleitung für eine sichere Intimrasur bei Frauen

The best guide for a safe intimate shave for women

Intimate shaving is a completely normal ritual for many of us – but it can also have its pitfalls. Redness, little pimples, ingrown hairs, or even small cuts? It doesn't have to be that way! If you...
Die sichere Intimrasur für Männer: Ein Guide ohne Kompromisse

Safe intimate shaving for men: A guide without compromise

The thought of intimate shaving triggers mixed feelings for many men. The sensitive skin in the intimate area, the fear of cuts and the desire for a well-groomed look pose special challenges. This ...
Movember – Mehr als nur ein Schnurrbart

Movember – More than just a moustache

Hey, have you heard of “Movember”? No, that's not a typo or a Hollywood trend - "Movember" has been a movement with a real mission for years! Every November, men around the world grow their mustach...
party mit rasurpickel kostümen

Razor bumps – THE most wanted Halloween costume?

... and why some people travel with it all year round! Halloween is approaching, and while the stores are overflowing with vampire and witch outfits, one truly "natural" costume continues to stand ...