SHAVENT- der neue nachhaltige Nassrasierer für plastikfreie und sanfte Körperrasur

SHAVENT- the new sustainable wet razor for plastic-free and gentle body shaving

The SHAVENT is great for smooth legs! It also shaves all other parts of the body just as gently and smoothly. Men can of course also use it, because it is just as gentle and thorough for the fac...
Mann rasiert Glatze mit Shavent

The best tips for a gentle bald shave - SHAVENT and BETTER BE BOLD will tell you

Together with the experts from Better Be Bold , we will tell you how you can shave your bald head perfectly and gently.  
Badezimmer mit Pflanzen

Your sustainable bathroom - tips for a green care routine

We'll show you how you can use these tips to transform your bathroom into a sustainable oasis of well-being without sacrificing comfort and style.
Sommerrasur, bereit für den Strand

Insider tip: this is how you get a beach body in seconds!

Your SHAVENT team wishes you a happy summer!
Gesichtrasur für Männer

Different beard styles at a glance

Beards are no longer just a trend, but have become an integral part of male style. From a well-groomed mustache to an impressive full beard, there are a variety of beard styles that offer every man...
Glatt rasierte Haut beim Profisport – Mythos oder Leistungssteigerung?

Smoothly shaved skin in professional sports - myth or increase in performance?

When we think of professional athletes, we often picture athletic bodies and clean-shaven skin. Many professional athletes, especially in some specific sports such as cycling, swimming, track and f... berichtet über Shavent says: "A real innovation among men's razors"

In the big GQ wet shaver test, we convinced with the SHAVENT: second place in a field full of big names!  So thorough, clever, beautiful - and completely without plastic! GQ calls this "a real inno...
Nassrasur für Männer

Shaving with or against the grain?

Top to bottom, left to right? Questions upon questions when it comes to the topic of which way to shave. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of shaving with and against the grain and what y...
SHAVENT, 6 Fehler bei der Nassrasur, Körperrasur, Tipps

6 mistakes when wet shaving - this is how you succeed very gently

How a wet shave works is actually self-explanatory - isn't it? Maybe you know it too, sometimes it pulls here, sometimes you cut yourself there. Many would say that this is quite normal. But it is ...