In this article we will prove to you that using less plastic does not have to be difficult, expensive or inconvenient. Briefly summarized for you: Stick to these points as best you can and reduce plastic in your life - for the love of yourself and the environment🌎. Here are our 10 valuable tips for becoming plastic-free in everyday life, with particular attention to plastic-free shaving: The first tip may sound simple, but drinking water from your own reusable bottles saves an incredible amount of plastic. Tap water is safe to drink almost everywhere in Germany, so there's nothing wrong with getting a stainless steel bottle to drink from and simply filling it up regularly at the tap. Devices such as a soda maker can also save a lot of plastic bottles. Environmental awareness also works in the bathroom: Save packaging by using solid shampoo or soap or use refill packs. This way you avoid a lot of packaging waste. When shopping for groceries, you can easily replace plastic bags with reusable bags or cloth bags and use fruit and vegetable nets to be more sustainable. Toothbrushes make up a large proportion of the plastic waste in our oceans. When it comes to plastic-free dental care, you can make sure to use toothbrushes made of wood or bamboo and there is also an alternative to toothpaste: unpackaged toothpaste tablets. Use your own reusable coffee cup to get your to-go coffee in the morning. Plastic-free in the kitchen is also a big issue in everyday life. Just try out what you can handle here. You can replace things from the kitchen such as straws, baking paper or cling film with metal straws, silicone mats or wax paper. While we're on the topic of kitchen: Cooking from scratch saves a lot of plastic compared to ready meals! Support “unpackaged shops”. A lot of packaging waste can be saved here by using screw-top jars, for example. Food is sold here in bulk packs or multiple jars and can easily be refilled and the jars reused. Cleaning products are absolutely harmful to the environment, and not just because of their packaging. On average, only three ingredients are needed for each individual cleaning product. To make this area plastic-free in your everyday life, you can simply buy sustainable cleaning products in powder form and then mix them yourself in reusable spray bottles. This is exactly what we at SHAVENT are all about: making everyday life more plastic-free without having to sacrifice comfort. We want to show you that sustainability is not annoying and necessarily requires a change. The SHAVENT combines the comfort of a swing head razor with the sustainability of a straight razor or razor. Plastic-free shaving makes a very important contribution to environmental protection because you no longer have to throw away expensive plastic replacement heads. Around 36,949 tons of waste are created every year in Europe just from wet shavers and their interchangeable heads. With the SHAVENT you can easily change the blades and save a lot of plastic and money!