Warum wollen Profisportler eine glatte Haut?

Smoothly shaved skin in professional sports - myth or increase in performance?

When we think of professional athletes, we often picture athletic bodies and clean-shaven skin. Many professional athletes, especially in some specific sports such as cycling, swimming, track and f...
GQ.de berichtet über Shavent

GQ.de says: "A real innovation among men's razors"

In the big GQ wet shaver test, we convinced with the SHAVENT: second place in a field full of big names!  So thorough, clever, beautiful - and completely without plastic! GQ calls this "a real inno...
Nassrasur für Männer

Shaving with or against the grain?

Top to bottom, left to right? Questions upon questions when it comes to the topic of which way to shave. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of shaving with and against the grain and what y...
SHAVENT, 6 Fehler bei der Nassrasur, Körperrasur, Tipps

6 mistakes when wet shaving - this is how you succeed very gently

How a wet shave works is actually self-explanatory - isn't it? Maybe you know it too, sometimes it pulls here, sometimes you cut yourself there. Many would say that this is quite normal. But it is ...
Muttertag Gutschein

Surprise your mother for Mother's Day

Mother's Day - An annual celebration for all mothers in the world. Learn more about the origin, how it's celebrated, and what we have for your mom in our blog article.
Gesicht Rasieren Frauen

Female facial shaving: Gentle and safe solutions for annoying hairs

What is the best way for a woman to remove facial hair? Don't worry, you're not alone with this question!
Shavent Rasiergelspender

Shaving foam vs. shaving gel - what are the differences?

We have summarized the differences between shaving foam and shaving gel for you based on various factors. 
SHAVENT, Rasur im Frühling, Wiese, Sonnenuntergang

Spring Shave - You should consider this when you shave in spring

In this blog post we give you some tips on what you should know about your skin in spring and how you can perfect your shave accordingly to keep your skin supple and healthy. 
Rasierklingen Derby Professional, Derby Premium und Perma Sharp

The razor blade - manufacture and origin

Have you always wondered where the razor blade comes from and how it is made? You can find the answers in this blog post.